
Application Scheme

Ruishenbao liquid nitrogen freezing mill grind plant solution - fresh leaves and fruit

Time : 2022-07-28 Visits : 508

1background information

Water is one of the constituents of plants, different plants have different amounts of water. Aquatic plants are up to 90% water content, herbaceous plants 70% to 80% water content. The water content of fruit pulp is more than 90%, the water content of trunk is about 50%. Due to the high water content of living plants, it is usually impossible to grind them directly at room temperature. However, the treatment of water needs too long natural drying cycle or heating drying,  the weight loss is serious and easy to cause the loss of some low boiling point substances, leading to inaccurate detection results. The liquid nitrogen freezing mill of Ruigenbao Analysis Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. provides solutions to the problems of fresh leaves and fruits grinding according to the requirements of a botanical research institute.


2Sample making equipment and tools

2.1. Grinding equipment

Cryogenic Mill with Closed Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) Auto-fill: LPM-01

2.2. Grinding jar

Matching 2.1L food-grade alloy grinding tank


3sample preparation

Cut the sample into pieces with scissors (you can put it into a grinding tank), and it is filled into the frozen grinding tank. place the frozen grinding tank in the correct working position. Adjust the pressure head of the grinding tank to the correct position. Click the“ Head on“ button above the operation screen. With the head in place and the freeze grinding tank pressed, close the operating cover of the freeze mill grind workshop. Click on the parameter interface, And set the parameter asPrecooling for 20 minutes (Fully freezing abrasive tools and samples in advance can appropriately reduce the precooling time, Cryogenic valve opening temperature is -120℃ ,the closing temperature is -130℃ ,grinding time is 15s ,rotate speed is 960r/min.

Open the liquid nitrogen tank outlet valve, Click the device start button to start the device. When the equipment is finished, open the freeze grinder workshop, Click the press head close button on the operation screen to open the frozen grinding tank and take out the sample.


The Ruishenbao frozen grinder can be used in large volumes to process soft, temperature-sensitive samples with high fat content or brittle at low temperaturesSuch as animals and plants or a full range of food solutionsIt makes the experiment more convenient and fast, saves a lot of manpower and material resources, and has high application potential.

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