
Support & Services

Troubleshooting for Water Chillers

Time : 2022-07-28 Visits : 539

The following table illustrates common causes for disruption in performance and is provided to assist the user in minimizing down time and to improve communications with our service personnel in diagnosing a problem.

1. Power faults of water chiller

Troubles: water chiller halt, Thermostat no display, etc.


1) Total power disconnected, the phase is lack or is not stability.

2) Check whether the phase sequence protector is burn out.


1) Check whether the total power is normal, after total electricity go back to normal restart again.

2) Replace the phase sequence protector.

2. Fan faults

Troubles: the fan stop working other is normal


1) The current overload protector of fan work.

2) Fan capacitor is burned out.

3) The troubles of water chiller, for example: coil burn or bearing damage, etc.

4) Check the voltage whether is normal.


1) Gently press the reset key in controller to reset.

2) Replace the fan capacitor.

3) Replace the fan (Pay attention to the direction of rotation of the fan, when replace the cold water machine) .

4) Using the multimeter to test voltage.

3. Compressor fault

Troubles: compressor does not work.


1) The current overload protector of compressor work.

2) Compressor capacitor is burned out

3) Check whether the compressor coil winding is connected, such as connected, there is short out for coil of compressor.

4) Check the voltage whether is normal.

5) The AC Contactor of compressor is faulty


1) Gently press the reset key in controller to reset.

2) Replace the capacitor of the compressor.

3) Replace compressor if the fault is machine winding

4) Using the multimeter to test voltage.

5) Replace the AC contactor of compressor.

4. Pressure-control switch fault

Troubles: compressor does not work.


1) Filter is clogged; the throttle device (capillary or expansion valve)  is clogged.

2) Lack of refrigerant.

3) Circulating cooling water stop working due to high pressure alarm.

4) The cooling fan of finned heat exchanger stops working due to high pressure alarm.


1) Clean up or replace the same type of filter, replace the capillary or expansion valve.

2) Fill the refrigerant for water chiller.

3) Check whether the cooling circulation fan work normally, and for repair or replacement.

4) Check whether the cooling fans of heat exchanger work normally, and for repair or replacement.

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